When moving away for college, your move is often a temporary one as you stay in an apartment or dorm for the semester. Even though your move away from the family home may not be permanent, the move sparks an ideal time to truly clean out your childhood room and start getting rid of clutter. As a college student, there are plenty of new items that need to be purchased, and getting rid of the old stuff will only make things easier.…
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One of the main recycling trends that homeowners should be aware of in 2016 and the coming years is an increase in municipal composting programs. In 2012, 95% of sustenance waste was dumped in landfills. Many cities are deciding to tackle this issue by implementing compost programs that will allow residences and businesses to send their organic waste to a composting facility as opposed to a landfill. While composting programs may not be mandatory in your area yet, it is likely that they are becoming available.…
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As summer break approaches, children are probably already making plans of things they want to do. Instead of giving them money or paying for activities, the approaching summer break is a great time to teach them responsibility and have them earn a little cash on their own. If your child lives in the state of Connecticut, then there are four different ways that they can earn money for the approaching summer months.…
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