Understanding Your Local Recycling Program

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Scrap Plastic Recycling, The Ocean, And You: How To Make A Difference

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Every year, eight million metric tons​ of plastic ends up in the ocean. That is a mind-boggling number, to be sure. Of that eight million metric tons, 236,000 tons is microplastic​, tiny bits of plastic that many people think are not a big deal if tossed into the ocean or accidentally dropped in the water. Perhaps what is really distressing is that all of that plastic could have been recycled. Scrap plastic recycling services exist nearly everywhere in the world.…

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4 Reasons To Implement A Recycling Program For Your Company

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Recycling isn’t a practice that you simply leave at home. You should also recycle at your business. Recycling in the workplace can afford all types of benefits in both the short and long term. If you aren’t currently recycling in the workplace, now is the time to start. Discover some reasons why you should implement a recycling program for your business. 1. Community Partnership Customers invite you into their community to provide them with services or goods.…

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Why You Should Recycle Your Old Laptops And How To Do It

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If you use your laptop for watching movies, playing games, or using power-hungry software programs, then you probably buy new computers on a regular basis so you can have more power, more storage, and faster speed. You may have a collection of old laptops stacked on a shelf or in the back of your closet that you’re not sure how to get rid of. Here’s a look at what you can do to recycle your old laptops so you can keep them out of the landfill.…

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Not Recycling Your Used Motor Oil? 4 Important Reasons Why You Should Be

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If you like doing your own automotive maintenance, that probably includes your oil changes. If it does, you should think about how you dispose of your motor oil. Tossing it in the trash, or pouring it in the gutter in front of the house is a dangerous way to dispose of motor oil. Unfortunately, many people still do that, which is why motor oil is still finding its way into local sewers and groundwater.…

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